June construction update for upcoming projects

We’re excited to provide an update this June on construction for a number of projects we are delivering in conjunction with the team from Nikias Diamond.

Symmetry, Denman Prospect

Ground floor frames and brickwork now complete with upper concrete and framing set to be completed by the end of this month.

Lower concrete slab and party walls completed with half of the formed podium also complete. The last of the podium formwork and slabs set to be poured later this month.

Upper framing completed and brickwork has now commenced. Upper floors and framing is set to be completed later this month with roofing around the corner.

Lower framing and brickwork has now been completed, with upper slab framing set to be completed later this month and roofing due to begin by the end of the month.

Lincoln Rise, Strathnairn Ginninderry

Construction has commenced with bulk excavations works now underway. Excavators were transported to site to commence earthworks and establish our sediment erosion controls. Over the next week, the temporary sediment and erosion controls will be established, the site will be stripped of all vegetation, top soils and stockpiles. Following this the cut and fill earthworks will proceed as planned.

Everist Street Villas, Taylor

Construction is on track with the site now stripped of top soil and the majority of bulk excavation now complete. Detailed excavation is now underway, with strip footings being poured and site establishment complete. Hydraulic in grounds have now commenced.


Symmetry Denman Prospect now 100% sold


Bronte Group making headway in 2021